Why do I believe in Jesus?

When I was disappointed with the society, I got to know that something was wrong.
I cannot help confessing that people are all selfish with different value systems, including myself.
Then, I lost all meaning and hope for life and decided to follow the common decision: live
as happy as I can moment by moment.

During my graduate years in the U.S.A, I had a chance to read the Bible. The Bible opened a new
look at the world.

Every individual lives with faith, which determines his/her life. I was affected by
education, environment, and mass media. Naturally, I was accustomed to think, understand
things, and act according to what the world taught me so far. Unfortunately, the world does not
teach me the "truth". It gave me disappointment, confusion, and hopelessness. I hadn't learned
what the Bible tells until I first read the Bible when I could see another foundation of faith.

The Bible showed vividly that the Kingdom of God exists though it is hidden from our sight.
It showed the way how I can obtain "true love" and "lasting joy": those words were flying far
away from me. Through the histrorical figure, Jesus, the Kingdom of Heaven was revealed.

My decision was not with hesitation. Man-made "-ism" and philosophy could not solve the
basic human problem, selfishness, but result in hatred, envy, sense of inferiority, sense of
superiority: all such garbage feelings. So, I could not trust my reasoning againt the Word of
Bible. I decided to follow the road of faith.

Since then, everything has been changed. I can not compare my current life with that without Jesus.

If you want to know more about my story and Jesus, contact me anytime. There are plenty of
things I can share with you.